Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tell Me Through A Song

The use of songs is present all the time in the novel. There was a song when the protagonist walked alongside the homeless man and after reading the letter, on the bus ride a man was whistling a song. The songs relate to what is happening to the narrator and match up to his mood.

The song from the bus, reflects the mood of the protagonist that he has been used and left to suffer:

" O well they picked poor Robin clean
O well they picked poor Robin clean
Well they tied poor Robin to a stump
Lawd, they picked all the feathers round from Robins rump
Well they picked poor Robin clean." (pg 193)

The protagonist relates to Robin since he was also in a way used. He reflects on the idea that they don't explain why they did all this to Robin. He also has no idea why Dr. Bledsoe has let him down in such an extreme way. Being a smart person the protagonist wants to know how they got from point A to point B and the fact that there is no real explanation up to now, only makes him seek revenge.

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