Today my mind is not dead, its actually very awake. Maybe it’s the fact that as I am reading this I am focusing way more since I find it so interesting. Up to now these pages have been the best we’ve read. They were so varied and full of random topics. I felt I could connect to the random part seeing how when I talk to my friends I can be talking about Brad Pitt and end the conversation talking about my cat. Don’t think badly about me, I just seem to connect topics to the strangest things.
On page 36 they go a bit into depth of why the Tao is great. Having already read most of the book, I agree with what they said and believe it is not only the Tao that accomplishes this. Those who do “not show greatness” and are “therefore truly great” (34), are the people that should be applauded around the world. I mean can you imagine the Pope saying “Oh yeah I’m the Pope! Not you or you, me!” not very “Popey” of him huh? People that don’t show off their greatness are the ones that are good inside because sometimes when you show greatness you cause other things around you. For example if you get a better grade than someone doesn’t go around screaming that you got a better grade. If you do that others will feel unworthy and could think of you as an annoying competitive idiot that only cares about yourself. Be the best you can be and not the best you want to be for others.
Ten thousand things, a mystery to be revealed. Now some people have lucky numbers and believe that these numbers bring good fortune. In the Tao the number “ten thousand” accompanied by the word things, is always in its pages. What are these ten thousand things? Could they be ten thousand bananas or ten thousand unicorns? No one truly knows but “ The Tao begot one. One begot two. Two begot three. And three begot the ten thousand things”. Maybe the writer of the Tao also knew the writer of the Bible because “begating” was big in both texts. All we know is that ten thousand things are all over, but never truly what they are.
“A truly good man is not aware of his goodness,
And is therefore good.
A foolish man tries to be good,
And is therefore not good.
A truly good man does nothing,
Yet leaves nothing undone.
A foolish man is always doing,
Yet much remains to be done.”
Pg 40 (38)

Men, can’t live with them can’t live without them. Here there are two kinds of men, the good guy and the jerk. It is usually the good guy that goes unappreciated and wishes he was seen differently, when in reality he is perfect the way he is. The jerk is the idiot whose hobbies include being a douche bag and breaking hearts. The good guy always acts good but doesn’t see the goodness within him but, we girls do. Yet we always manage to somehow fall for the jerk, which is only good when it benefits him in some way. An example of the good guy is Jacob in the Twilight Saga. He is always the one that ofers protection and a good shoulder to cry on but, never eally sees his worth.
On page 36 they go a bit into depth of why the Tao is great. Having already read most of the book, I agree with what they said and believe it is not only the Tao that accomplishes this. Those who do “not show greatness” and are “therefore truly great” (34), are the people that should be applauded around the world. I mean can you imagine the Pope saying “Oh yeah I’m the Pope! Not you or you, me!” not very “Popey” of him huh? People that don’t show off their greatness are the ones that are good inside because sometimes when you show greatness you cause other things around you. For example if you get a better grade than someone doesn’t go around screaming that you got a better grade. If you do that others will feel unworthy and could think of you as an annoying competitive idiot that only cares about yourself. Be the best you can be and not the best you want to be for others.
Ten thousand things, a mystery to be revealed. Now some people have lucky numbers and believe that these numbers bring good fortune. In the Tao the number “ten thousand” accompanied by the word things, is always in its pages. What are these ten thousand things? Could they be ten thousand bananas or ten thousand unicorns? No one truly knows but “ The Tao begot one. One begot two. Two begot three. And three begot the ten thousand things”. Maybe the writer of the Tao also knew the writer of the Bible because “begating” was big in both texts. All we know is that ten thousand things are all over, but never truly what they are.
“A truly good man is not aware of his goodness,
And is therefore good.
A foolish man tries to be good,
And is therefore not good.
A truly good man does nothing,
Yet leaves nothing undone.
A foolish man is always doing,
Yet much remains to be done.”
Pg 40 (38)
Men, can’t live with them can’t live without them. Here there are two kinds of men, the good guy and the jerk. It is usually the good guy that goes unappreciated and wishes he was seen differently, when in reality he is perfect the way he is. The jerk is the idiot whose hobbies include being a douche bag and breaking hearts. The good guy always acts good but doesn’t see the goodness within him but, we girls do. Yet we always manage to somehow fall for the jerk, which is only good when it benefits him in some way. An example of the good guy is Jacob in the Twilight Saga. He is always the one that ofers protection and a good shoulder to cry on but, never eally sees his worth.
My dad (hate to say it) is “the foolish man”. He is always doing his job and is really good at it but, when it comes to the house, he doesn’t move a finger. My mom does everything and in a sense it feels like my dad is the one that causes things to “remain to be done”. All I can hope for, in my very distant married life, is to be wedded to the “good man” not the other kind.
Things get hard at times and it seems like “breathing is hard” or “sometimes it comes easily.” I comfort myself with thought that there is always sunshine after rain (except in Bogota) meaning that there is always a happy ending. Like those times when you look into the mirror and hate what you see or, when you see the guy you like chatting up another girl. Those moments last seconds and later they become positive. You could wake up the next day and think “Hey I look good today” or, you find out that the conversation the guy was having was nowhere as deep as what he talks to you about. Challenges are things we are faced with every day and the Tao actually has a good quote to see things in a positive approach, which I am sure I will say a lot:
“So sometimes things are ahead and sometimes they are behind;
Sometimes breathing is hard, sometimes it comes easily;
Sometimes there is strength and sometimes weakness;
Sometimes one is up, sometimes down.” Pg 31(29)
War sucks. Seriously I can’t even handle fighting with my friends
yet alone handle a big country war. Whenever Chavez opens his big froglike mouth, all I can feel is worry he is about to declare war on us. War is such a drastic measure that results in lots of death and the sad part is deaths are celebrated by the opposing side. To me “war is conducted like a funeral” (31) instead of celebrating death on the other side, one should truly mourn for the deaths of both sides. Pain was inflicted by both sides so in a sense mourning for one comes with mourning their deaths; like a package deal.
Wow! Talk about a varied set of topics. These were lots of pages so more topics were approached, in my own way. It was fun putting ideas in the Tao in a personal or modern context. I felt I could give my opinion on things and regret that I can’t really explain each aspect of the Tao because there is so much to learn.By the way the picture above was cool to find becasue it just so happens I have that necklace with someone. Fun huh? Tao and style.
Things get hard at times and it seems like “breathing is hard” or “sometimes it comes easily.” I comfort myself with thought that there is always sunshine after rain (except in Bogota) meaning that there is always a happy ending. Like those times when you look into the mirror and hate what you see or, when you see the guy you like chatting up another girl. Those moments last seconds and later they become positive. You could wake up the next day and think “Hey I look good today” or, you find out that the conversation the guy was having was nowhere as deep as what he talks to you about. Challenges are things we are faced with every day and the Tao actually has a good quote to see things in a positive approach, which I am sure I will say a lot:
“So sometimes things are ahead and sometimes they are behind;
Sometimes breathing is hard, sometimes it comes easily;
Sometimes there is strength and sometimes weakness;
Sometimes one is up, sometimes down.” Pg 31(29)
War sucks. Seriously I can’t even handle fighting with my friends
Wow! Talk about a varied set of topics. These were lots of pages so more topics were approached, in my own way. It was fun putting ideas in the Tao in a personal or modern context. I felt I could give my opinion on things and regret that I can’t really explain each aspect of the Tao because there is so much to learn.By the way the picture above was cool to find becasue it just so happens I have that necklace with someone. Fun huh? Tao and style.
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