pg 98: After seeing in teaching 10 how Krishna is everything that surrounds us it was interesting to see him being describes not as one of his many bodies but as Krishna himself. Up to now we have only heard of one of many gods in the Hindu religion and I wonder if Krishna is THE GOD like Zeus was to the Olympic gods.
Pg 102: Everything Arjuna said about Krishna is very respectful but at the same time he knows Krishna is better to have as a friend rather than an enemy. Like the moth Krishna can cause destruction in one second to his enemies. Arjuna is frightened by this form of Krishna he prefers to see him as the gentle charioteer he was and not as the supreme being he is. You can see a clear example of this in page 107.

Finally after chapters of not understanding what Krishna expects from Arjuna we see that he is simply using him as a"weapon"(pg 103) over his job of killing those that oppose him. When he says that they are already dead to him one assumes that the other side did something to offend Krishna and therefore deserve punishment. They probably didn’t take action and therefore didn’t make a sacrifice to honor Krishna.
They explain what "detachment and knowledge"(pg 114) is to Krishna. What most impacted me was when Krishna said he had to be detached from his home, wife, and children. Then it goes on to say how Krishna wants his devotees to be loners who don’t speak to anyone but him. What do you gain at the end? A never ending spirit.
A new term comes into the story known as dark inertia. Here "inertia"(pg 120) is negligence and falling into the desires that are looked down by Krishna. Inertia and Passion are two very bad things here because they are born from negligence that comes from the previously said desires.
This part makes me already guess that Arjuna will stand up to the enemy no matter that they are his own family, his own blood.
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